Water Demand Analysis
From Series of Digital Solutions for Utilities By: Mehrdad Varedi The importance of water demand forecasting for utilities. This post talks about the following: The Importance of Demand Forecasting for Water Utilities Challenges with Excel and Manual Processes for Demand Forecasting The Risks in Demand Forecasting and How to Reduce the Risk? Are you interested in more details, such as: How much data is enough for accurate forecasting? How to reduce the variability in revenue and meet financial targets with confidence? Pricing for meeting financial and sustainability targets at the same time. Make benefit of tier pricing and optimize tiers to meet the goals. Contact me at: varedi@waterlix.com or Select a time for a video chat in the shared calendar . Importance of Accurate Forecasting Meeting Financial Targets, Support Planning Team Water utility companies have a lot to handle. They have a lot of assets to manage i.e. pumping stations, distribution/collection networks for wa