
Showing posts from 2021

Possible Sources of Excessive Nitrate and Phosphate in the Caspian Sea using NDVI

One way to search for cyanobacteria and algae blooms in lakes is by tracking the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index or NDVI.  Waterlix has developed tools to monitor NDVI for a rapid assessment of potential sources of pollution. This is an example of the Caspian Sea southern part. We did it after worries and reports about high toxicity in the lake and its impact on the quality of seafood. The big picture of the Southern Caspian See is shown in the image below. East Coast Pollution The two major condense areas of algae are on the Northwest and South East of the lake. Let's zoom in on the South East which, seems to be a source of pollution. We zoom in the Centre of that spot. Mapping the green line (river or canal ) on the ground is shown by NDVI and the Actual Image:   We don't know what is that canal yet although it seems that the lake gets a large amount of phosphate or Nitrate from this location. Similarly, looking at the North West, This is where a concentrat

CENGN - Waterlix Cooperation

 Waterlix had very successful cooperation with CENGN.  Waterlix received technical training and professional advice to restructure the architecture and monitor the watermain replacement prioritization application.  The microservices architecture brought higher efficiency in the application's development process. Resource monitoring was another goal of the project. It helped in tracking any unexpected behaviour at runtime and supported a better estimation of the required resources.  Please read more about this success on the CENGN website . If there are any questions, please contact .