
Showing posts from February, 2020

Canadian Water Loss Map

In a survey that was published by Environment Canada in 2011, cities shared their water loss volumes. Additional information such as carbon footprint because of the lost water, and the equal dollar value of the leakages based on the price of water in a few cities in Ontario is calculated (the calculations include the cost of wastewater because of the lost water).  The other added information is the cost of water damages which is divided by population based on reports from major insurance companies reports for the same year. The map is created in 2015 and probably the costs today should be higher than these estimates. The cost of water is very dependent on the initial purchase price of water and the energy required for pumping it. So please accept that the data provided are estimates and are based on the lost water reported by cities in the survey published by Environment Canada. The Environment Canada link to the data in the following map is removed on their new websit

Waterlix AI Map Supports Leakage Reduction Program in London, ON

The City of London now uses the Waterlix generated maps for leakage reduction. The AI solution now can be used both for long term planning and asset management as well as reduction of active leakages in their early stage. Here is the coverage by the London Free Press which was shared by many including Cognition X and others.

Waterlix Inc. in Communitech News

Thanks to Communitech and Mr. Koosha Totonchi. The news is about the data concierge support, Waterlix recent success, and what differentiates its condition assessment solution from other alternatives. As new developments, Waterlix has other services such as demand prediction, analysis of SCADA data, as well as flood prediction which you will hear about soon. Please look at the report in the following link: